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Global Heartcare

The Global Heartcare Foundation seeks to reduce the global rise of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which claim 17.9 million lives and millions more live with disability annually. Particularly in Africa, where CVDs are increasing, the burden disproportionately affects children and young adults in low to middle-income countries. Targeted collaborations, professional training and increased healthcare funding are crucial to reduce this burden.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the health of patients living with cardiovascular diseases in developing countries of Africa and Asia. We achieve this by delivering lifesaving treatments, providing training and education for medical professionals, conducting research and developing programs to improve outcomes and save lives.

The Challenge

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, claiming approximately 17.9 million lives annually. Many are preventable.

The burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is increasing and is projected to double over the next 20 years. This disproportionately impacts populations in low and middle-income countries, especially children and young adults.

Many countries in Africa and Asia are experiencing a double burden of non-communicable diseases, such as CVDs, alongside endemic infectious diseases. The increasing prevalence of CVDs demands urgent attention, yet accurate data, diagnostic services, and healthcare infrastructure remain limited. Learn more.

Our Solution

With our project partners, we are investing in comprehensive cardiovascular care in under-resourced communities.

Investing in comprehensive cardiovascular care is essential for both health and economic reasons, as CVDs significantly impact productivity and healthcare costs. Addressing these challenges requires increased research funding, strategic collaboration, and the development of specialized healthcare facilities. Efforts to retain and train healthcare professionals are also critical, necessitating collaboration between governments, NGOs, and international organizations.

Through Our Global Partnerships, We’ve Successfully:

  • Trained Ethiopia’s first cardiac surgery team – a multi-disciplinary team of 12 consisting of, cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, perfusionists and nurses. This team is now operating independently at the Cardiac Center in Addis Ababa. They have already saved and improved the lives of hundreds of children and young adults.

  • Supported the development of a pilot rheumatic heart disease prevention program in Ethiopia, designed by a team of Ethiopian physicians across the country, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health.

  • Raised awareness of heart disease in children in Ethiopia. The Rheumatic Heart Disease Prevention program catalyzed the development of national rheumatic heart disease guidelines, the integration of rheumatic heart disease into primary care treatment protocols, and recognition of rheumatic heart disease in the Ministry of Health’s five-year strategic plan.

  • Launched the Rheumatic Heart Disease Prevalence study with our Partners at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), Tanzania. Over 1,000 children have been screened for RHD and over 400 patients have been screened for RHD at KCMC.

  • Launched Women’s Cardiovascular Center, a multi-disciplinary program to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity at KCMC.

  • Currently supporting the training of 4 cardiologist’s, cardiac surgeon and anesthesiologist. In addition, 2 physicians will start training in critical care.

  • Seven advanced critical care nurses from KCMC have completed their training.

Our Operating Principles

Our operating principles provide the foundation for each collaboration we undertake. Treatment, training, partnership, prevention and research are all key to ensuring the longterm success of our efforts to reduce CVDs.

Our Origin Story

Meet Founder Dr. Vibhu R. Kshettry

Dr. Vibhu Kshettry is a board certified cardiovascular and transplant surgeon and has held leadership positions in busy clinical and academic practices at the Minneapolis Heart Institute and the University of Minnesota for over 30 years. He is a member and fellow of many prestigious national and international professional societies. He has been consistently listed in Top Doctors and Top Surgeons in national and international rankings. He has served on many scientific advisory boards of medical device companies, as well as other boards.  A keen researcher, he has over 100 publications in prominent peer reviewed journals.  In spite of his busy medical practices, he is passionate about improving cardiac care in developing countries. 

For over 25 years, he has been the founder of nonprofit organizations, including ICORE: International Cardiac Outreach, Research and Education program, Friends of Children’s Heart Fund of Ethiopia and Global Outreach Program at MInneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. To expand his philanthropic efforts, he launched the Global HeartCare Foundation.

“This has been a personal calling for me since childhood. Give life to others, care for others, care for your family. More importantly, care for strangers. To the world you may be one person, to the one person, you may be the world.”

– Dr. Vibhu R. Kshettry, Cardiac Surgeon, Founder of Global Heartcare Foundation

Partnerships make it all possible. If you would like to learn more about our work, please contact us today.